Happy Winter Solstice
I thought I’d share a little painting/sketch I did a while a go, of Stonehenge, as today is the Winter Solstice - the longest night of the year. It celebrates a shift from darkness to light, a theme I myself like a lot. I won’b be going into much detail about the pagan tradition, as the news is covering that bit already, but I do love all things spiritual and mystical, and so I couln’t just pass on this one.
Speaking of traditions - Christmas is just a few days away. I hope you have made your creative wish list for Santa already? I know, I have.
I am wishing to get Prismacolor Premier coloured pencils.
I am taking a Painting and Illustration online course next year and these pencils were recommended by the creator of the course. Here in the UK, they are fairly costly (seems to me, anyway), and so if I don’t get them for Christmas, I might use any other pencils I already have and see whether not having the recommended ones in any kind of way affects my drawings. I will certainly post about my experiences on here, and some of the finished artworks, so do come back to read some more!
See you in the next one!
Golden Leaf Illustrations